Thanks for checking out our game, Spell-a-Mole! We wanted to create a good and comfortable way for children to learn spelling and typing. By playing through our game, each child will gain an understanding of the keyboard and how to type on it, while also trying to write challenging words! Each difficulty is based on a different age group, so depending on the child’s age they will be getting words that are appropriate for their familiarity with a keyboard while also being similar to their reading level. With each difficulty, we alter the size of the typical word and the difficulty of the word in terms of meaning. The way in which we created this system allows for a fun and engaging way to learn spelling and typing, while also helping children become more comfortable around words they may have never seen before! We hope you enjoy our game and help us find ways to improve it! We all worked really hard on it and used each other’s different skill sets to touch as many facets as we could. We all worked together to brainstorm, code, and design our game so we’re all very excited for you to see it!

1. Background Art - carchagui (

2.Background Music - B.G.M (

3. Button UI Art - Vapixel (

4. SFX - Mixkit (


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This looks so polished! Wish I had this when I was growing up!

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